[Week 1: Nov 15th-21st]
Monday: Censored! I love my instructor for that class, she's so nice.
Tuesday: Hunterian Museum. Let me just say. I LOVE this museum. It's full of this anatomist from the 1800's pickled animals and findings. They even have a surgeon area where they show you surgeries, one was of a heart transplant... crazy.
Wednesday: Nothing, nothing at all. Just homework.
Thursday the 18th:- Went to the BFI imax theatre to see Legend of the Guardians. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually really enjoyed it. Then, last minute went out with some friends to hang out near the Thames (Waterloo again) had some great conversation... then head to Th Roxy. Where I got in FOR FREE.... dope. That was a fun night.

Saturday: Finished my paper (pat on the back.)
Sunday: It was Sunday. I did nothing. That is all.
[Week 2]
Monday :: Wednesday was boring and filled with classes, etc...
Thursday: Thanksgiving!
I finished editing my film for class, attacked Ra-Ra (Floormates and myself) with light sabers, slept made great dinner with pie, and slept some more.
Friday: Decided to go out. Played some card games and then went to a house party in Notting Hill. An Actual HOUSE in Notting Hill. The house was out of a movie. AMAZING.

Saturday: Missed breakfast with a friend and her parents. I'm a bad, bad girl. Then headed to regent street with the roomie. Went into a crazy toy store and bought a cute orange jumper. It was fun.
[Week 3]
Myself, the roomie, and my floormate went to the Canary Islands the first weekend of December. It was THE GREATEST!
First we had to take a train to Liverpool, because that's where we were flying out of. Liverpool is okay, reminds me of Pittsburg, it's a city, but it's gotta ghost town feel to it. So we left Thursday night and stayed in the the airport... watched Love Actually and then slept on the cold floor. Then it was on the plane and off to the Islands.
We were laying on the beach while we drank cervecas and had delicious sea side food. It was amazing. I LOVE gelatto, especially Mango flavored gelatto. Well, can you REALLY go wrong with mango? Uh... NO, duh. Got some relaxation in and overall was well worth it.
[Week 4 & 5]
After this I basically lots of homework. Also caught a cold. It was inevitable, my roommate has been sick for a while, so I knew it was coming. I also went to some more films, and attended some student events at ULU... But the last week was the BEST!

Monday: Went to see a film called The Tourist for Film workshop, that was okay. Could of been better. Then relaxed for a spell and went to The Roxy, as usual.
Tuesday: Finals and hanging out with the boys
Wednesday: Film presentation and then Walkabout. Walkabout, which was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
Thursday: Finals. Then went to a pub to celebrate us all being done with school. Went back to the res hall, took a nap. Woke up. Ate. Talked to Ra-Ra for WAY TOO LONG. The we finally got ready and went to THE ROXY (of course). Now this was the FUNNIEST, MOST RIDICULOUS EPiCLY AWESOME night EVER!!! It was Epic. Love it.
Friday: I wake up later than I was suppose to and had to run to the tube. There was a presentation of the theatre kids' play. It was really well written. Then it was off to our final lunch together and then off to packing.
It's Been Real London. Until next time.... Keep It Real.