This week was filled with constant disappointment, but that's not going to keep me down. Lets talk about some highlights (not the highlights in David Cameron's hair...hehe)
Today we will not be talking about Sunday-Tuesday kids.
Lets see... went to Drapers on Wednesday(that kinda sucked).
We will NOT be talking about Sunday-Wednesday.
[It was only a half victory. Our presentation for British Youth Culture happened but we found out we had to write a paper to go along with our presentation... who knew (me & one other person but we didn't say anything). sn: picture above is the ep cover of our band yea!
Um..I went bowling. I WENT BOWLING. That was fun. I beat 2 people.. somebody owes me a drink now... It was awesome!]
[Went to the Tate Modern with the boys and their friend(who I kinda dislike, alot.... I'm a tough critic apparently). After that went to this great kabob place where I had THE BEST burger. Called 'garlic' sauce, cucumber sauce (but I'm correct and Brits are stupid for calling it garlic sauce). Then headed to O'neal's which was cool for a bit, but had to head back.]

Guy Fawkes festival at Battersea Park was pretty awesome. Watched some wood burn, seen tons of fireworks played to music and even bought a light up saber. (yes I'm a 12 year old boy and what are you?) Played with the sabers in an epic duel, breaking the light, went and got a new one, said it just went off knowing I broke it. Then went to the Jazz Cafe in Camdentown for 80's night. good night. good night]
[I don't think I did much. Mostly homework. So yea... uneventful.]
Also I am addicted to xkcd officially. I need a life.

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