Break down of my week
Monday[Went to see Man with a movie camera at the BFI Southbank.]
[Midterm exams, bit of shopping at ASDA aka Walmart. ]
[I don't entirely remember what I did... I'll re-write it when I remember... Oh YEA, I went to Proud Camden and seen some hip-rock band, it was okay (pretty lame, explains why I didn't wanna remember it.)]
[Everyone went to Scotland, well almost everyone. Myself, Taylor, and Jennifer went to the cinema. Me & Jennifer seen Paranormal Activity 2. I was satisfied and it explained the first one.]
[myself and Taylor went to a meatloaf themed fancy dress party in Kings Cross]

[Went to Greenwich Market, which was a bust because the ride there sucked. Had some Chinese food, super good and cheap! Then Later that night after much discussion went to Silver Bullet for a Voodoo Haiti Relief party, kinda weird, but fun. Ride back was not so much fun. Took 2 hours to get home on the night bus because the N19 was not running properly and I bought McD's again:( Need to get it together, where's a Falafal wrap when you need it.]
[Went to the Diwali festival in Trafalgar Square with Jessie and met some of his friends from NYU, ate at a the Four Seasons in China town, and had some down time before everyone came back from Scotland]
Had a pretty good week and an even better weekend, until next post...
Wooly Booly - The Chipmunks... don't know why but yea... here it is.