So everyone in my program arrived yesterday (wednesday). We had a small group/floor meeting. Got my oyster card, just like a go-to card. I met my roommate. She's nice so far. Enjoying her company. Also met my kitchen mates, they're all boys (oh snaps!)..lol. But they're mad cool. They bought beer (under 21..oh to be young again). It was in shrink wrap.... weird, but it was cheap so I couldn't say much. Then my roommate and myself prepared for the long napping time when this Brit lady was screaming outside of her window. Reminded me of home, belligerent drunken underclassmen yelling, the best. Then went to sleep early yesterday at like 10pm. Woke up at 3 in the AM. Super wack. Took for ever to go back to sleep.
Then had to wake up at 8:20am. It was a rough morning, but I made it through all of the being talked at. Then it was lunch. Went to an Indian restaurant, was cool except I had to ask for the bill. CAN YOU CHECK ON US PLEASE??? We also bought cheap stuff, so they were probably like, "typical bloody Americans and their depleting financial system." Some bull like that. But yea, it was delicious so I can't complain too much. Then it was back to orientation. We walked around. Went to this place called the student Union, it's a union place for all London students, super dope. Gonna join, meet some Brits (some colored folk hopefully, lots of rich white kids in my group... lots of rich kids in general). Then we did some last minute stuff for class and met the faculty. My prof for History and Media & Politics is the dopest.
SN: Get a history prof born in the 60's, chances are they will be the best thing that ever happened to your educational experience.
Finally headed back to the res hall with one of the chicks from my class. Why on our way back from the tube stop in South Kensington did we get lost. Not taking directions from her again, but that's what I get for listening to others instead of my own thoughts. We got back though, had to ask 3 people for directions. The first was an American, the second was a Spaniard, and finally we found a Brit.
SN: Chelsea, the Manhattan of London. (Nobody from NYC actually lives in Manhattan)

But until my return, keep fist pumpin'. xoxo.
Funny Things that made me laugh so far:
-British woman yelling
-My Academic Advisor Tripping (she didn't fall so I can laugh)
-My shower water smells like peanut butter
-My profs baby cried continuously at me today. I think she hates black people...lol. (she's mixed)
-My roommate smells like salami after she drinks
-The Mr. Whippy ice cream van (not as good as Mr. frosty)
-Asking for directions and 2 of the 3 people were not from London
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